Sunday, November 28, 2010
Loving the unknown.

I realize I tend to like the things that stand out/break conventions. And that the more people like something, the more I'm likely to dislike it. The result? I spend twice the time people take to find my fave stuff. That includes Bones, which is increasingly pissing me off because I want to watch it.

And I have a lot of catching up to do because I'm only at the beginning of season 3, plus I haven't watched season 1 yet, lol.

But the DVDs are selling at insane prices. As much as I love Bones I'm not willing to part with that kind of money just for - what - 15 eps? No way man. 49.90 for 15 eps. 39.90 for season 1. Unbelievable, guys, unbelievable. Inflation sucks.

Why in the world did I have to fall in love with Brennan, of all main characters? If I'd fallen in love with - say - one of CSI's protagonists, I might have one heck of an easier time watching it. But no, just like Kalafina, I had to go for something less well-known, something harder to find.

Well, perhaps it's something better.

WHATEVER. JUST BUFFER ALREADY YOU. GOOD HEAVENS. Best of all, it resets on its own, damnit. I've been loading this for an hour and I haven't gotten to 1/4 of the whole thing yet!


Talked people to death @ 8:13 PM
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