Sunday, November 21, 2010

This is so me.

Every time a new idea jumps into my head, I go omg this is freaking awesome! I'm gonna develop this now! and do just that.

By the time I finish character creation/setting and actually settle down to write the story, I end up thinking about another idea, and then going omg this is much more awesome! I'm gonna work on this instead!

And hence the cycle repeats itself. I have a few concepts sitting in my folder, most of which are incomplete. Well, my nanowrimo plot is the one story that has managed to hit chapter 10, but after that a guild pulled itself out of nowhere and I know nuts about guild hierarchy/conflicts. And I have no idea where that whole guild business came from. Plus I know nuts about politics. So I decided to temporarily set aside that plot. My "temporarily" lasts anywhere between a week and... years.

Yes, freaking years. Ha.

Instead, I went back to thinking about the one story I finished way back in secondary school (and which is so crappy I don't even dare to talk about it).

Then the entire concept revamped itself based solely on the title. While I was in the toilet, again. Don't you just love toilets? Ideas just drop from heaven when you're in there.

So here I am with a new idea that I'm omg-so-happy-to-work-on, but oh man, I need to finish something - and not have accumulating half-finished plots lying around in my computer. I keep thinking this plot will be the one I'll actually finish, and then when a new idea comes along I start thinking that idea will be the one I'll finish, and on and on.

I think I should create a character who will win my heart. Then I'll see the damn story to the end, haha. Except I have no idea what kind of character will win my heart! And I haven't exactly found what gets me on a roll yet. Sometimes it's music, sometimes it's purely just inspiration, and sometimes it's the fact that I'm writing a scene I've been yearning to write.

Some writers need a plot, some writers write based on character, some writers don't plot at all and just write, some writers need to go through a 2-hour prep before actually sitting down to write... I wonder what's my muse. I've tried plotting, no plotting, character-based... well, I haven't tried random scene writing yet, but it just feels weird to do that.

At least I know I tend to work towards key scenes in the story, and I often think of an ending before a beginning (so starting is the hardest, and the middle is harder, but the climax is super easy 'cos I know just what's going to happen).

Good grief. Oh well, I've lots of time to try out stuff - better start focusing on the presentation tomorrow. Zomg.

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Talked people to death @ 7:47 PM
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