Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saving and loading a life.
I feel like I need to play Oblivion soon, and whack a few goblins (maybe kill a few people for the Dark Brotherhood while I'm at it). Or try out Two Worlds II (thus claiming my Christmas prezzie), which looks decent. I'm loving the idea of dual weapons in an open world RPG, though I haven't touched it yet. Looks complicated, but awesome. Came a little too late though, but it's never too late to touch a game.
That module is screwed beyond anyone's wildest imagination, and it's making cranky whiners out of normally happy-go-lucky people. Okay, so maybe I'm the only one who is extremely annoyed at the fact that half the blame actually falls on the people we're supposed to look up to as mentors. On adults, who (probably) understand responsibility and the burden it lays on their shoulders.
And yes, the other half of the blame lies on myself, as usual, because I took so long to figure out an idea (which isn't one I'm fully happy with, but that I'll settle for) and fix a shooting date (which had to change).
But I still thank the Lord that at least, at least, He did answer me, though in the strangest of ways. I can't help wishing things could be simple and I didn't have to contend with so much crap from fully grown, mature adults, but you know, I still believe all things work out for good.
That doesn't mean I don't complain and whine and bitch and whine and complain and bitch.
Does that make me a hypocrite or something? Well, whatever. I feel I need an outlet to vent, and I'd prefer it not to be human because we all have our limits.
Now. I wish I could cart my desktop with me wherever I go, because I really, really want to play Oblivion or try Two Worlds II (because it looks so great & I've been itching for a good RPG). Oh well. Don't you wish we could save our lives, and then load the save point after we die (or screw up)?
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