Sunday, December 19, 2010
Some people just make me speechless. In a bad way.

EDIT: I finally sat down and did it. I needed the hermit time to write the songfic that's been writing itself in my head ever since I did this blogskin and I finally found it. My dear muse, you're being way too flighty these days, but I'm glad you came back for this one songfic. Really.


You know, I think being a hermit for a few weeks sounds awesome. Going on a random retreat to some forsaken place high up in the mountains (or beside the sea or whatever) sounds good. Just sit there and rot/write/play/sing/whatever. Of course, due to slight paranoia after reading a number of stories about private retreats, I'll make sure I'm still accessible, but only at my discretion. LOL.

Kidding. I don't think I can survive a night in a big house with XX number of rooms in a deserted location all alone. Day might be okay, but night is a totally different story, lol. Unless I plan to play Oblivion or something throughout the night. Vivid imagination works both ways. It's like playing with fire, ahaha.

Plus - what am I going to do about food?! Instant noodles all the way? You gotta be kidding. I'll stay in SG, thank you, and hermit the best way I can while not budging from the little red dot.

Okay, so I am basically irritated by some people and I would really rather just sit at home and simmer for a few days, doing stuff I love without listening to stuff I don't care about or having to put up with people who just need to make themselves sound like they're in the deepest pit of hell.

And they keep doing it until you explode and mutter something about your problems and then they shoot it down just to prove that they're worse off.

It's so pathetic I have pretty much nothing to say.

I mean, sure, I love listening to others and I love it when they share stuff with me. And I try to help.

But you know, if you desperately have to make yourself sound worse off than the person who's listening to you - even when the person says something like, "I've been in something similar, I know how you feel. It totally sucks", well, that's a big problem right there.

I would really rather watch an episode of a weepy soap opera series (and I really hate soap operas) than be the target of these people's pointless babbles. The most annoying fictional characters don't even come close to these people's levels. If I cast any of the said people as a main character, the story would flop beyond imagination, that's for sure.

Bah. I'm done here. Off to catch some Brennan & Booth love (fluff).


Talked people to death @ 11:06 AM
0 Songs