Tuesday, March 15, 2011
God, I hope there's a really goddamn good reason for this. You know just how much I want to go there. And if you let all this happen at this time you better have a freaking good reason for it, because I'm not settling for this just because.
And off-topic, but I really hate that bitch. Not sure why, but I just hate her. Maybe it's that unbelievably weak character or she's just being the pitiful target of my ire. Either way I really hate her at the moment. Like c'mon, seriously? Who are you kidding? Were I one of your girl friends I'd think you desperate and putting up a miserable act. Heck, you probably are. I think you're weak. My opinion stops there.
But of course, that is being judgmental, and evil, and whatever bullshit.
... You know what? Whatever. It's not like she will ever read this anyway, and know it's her.
So screw the world, I'm going to keep my thoughts to myself as always, hold my head high and know that, at the very least, I'm stronger than she can ever be.
Labels: Life