Thursday, August 19, 2010
I can't wait! :D

I just had to go and watch the interview with Dragon Age II's lead designer.

And Fable III's too.

Now I'm incredibly impatient for both games to be released. Ugh! *adds the two games to her ever-growing list of wants*

I have to admit, that sword battle in DA 2's video totally won me over. I'm half-suspecting that we'll be playing as the child that Morrigan bore - the boy/girl who bears the soul of an Ancient God within him/her. Maaaaan, that sounds awesome if it's true! Never mind Grey Wardens, let's play as that child whom Morrigan vanished with!

And as for Fable III, they've finally incorporated gender selection! My pet peeve about having to play as a male in a supposedly open RPG has been satisfied. Lol. I've always had this personal issue with gender in games that claim to be choice-based. Shouldn't the very first choice be that of the gender? And I hope they took out the aging process. Uh, maybe not, but at least the choice of playing as a girl is there.

Well, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Fable a lot, but I liked my character better when he was young and handsome, lol. After he aged, and the townspeople still loved him to death, it got kind of creepy to me (which young girl would love some middle-aged guy sprouting a beard?!)... I guess I'm pretty narcissistic when it comes to game protagonists...

The graphics look very promising, though! Looks like it'll be top-notch. I wonder if my desktop can handle it...

The best thing about Fable's battle sequence was the decapitating, imo. Xav went "OMG" when he first spotted my character cleanly lopping the guy's head off. But hey, realism makes for an immersing gameplay. It's why I liked DA too. Strategic gore, I'll call it. After all, you can't expect the ground to be spotless if you're going to slaughter a couple of bandits with your bow, sword, whatever.


If not, I'll... *sigh*

EDIT: Fable III releases on 26 October 2010?! Crap, that's near the start of our term! ;-;


Talked people to death @ 4:56 PM
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