Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I'm not dead. I'm just finding inspiration.

I finally managed to sort out a bit of my HML plot. Yes, only a bit. The last part is still in complete disarray, but at least the story's starting to take form, albeit with the help of a few cliches here and there. I plan to take out those cliches during the editing stage, but if it needs to be there for the plot to make sense, then... *shrugs*

It's impossibly hard to write an outline, I realize. You have little to no character voice to work with. Yvaine should be telling the story, but I find myself unable to fully slip into her shoes because of the nature of the assignment. Sigh. Then and again, I suppose writing out the entire hero's journey as a full-fledged novella/short story would kill us all, given the stuff we have to do for other modules. O_o

And while several ideas (majority of which are completely illogical and virtually impossible to write) have floated around my mind for CSM, I'm nowhere near a solid plot yet. Well, a vague idea concerning a point in my decalogue, yes, but what the heaven the characters, beginning, middle & end should consist of, I have no idea at all.

At least we still have... what, two days to think about it?

And VC. I won't even begin to ramble about this. A director's life is not for me. I swear, after I graduate, I am so not going to direct films... it's a whole lot of work, and I have zero interest in finding actors and stuff. Neither am I particularly inclined to plan every scene - heck, every second of the film - in meticulous detail, from the camera angles, right down to the tiny visual communication that most viewers (excluding critics & fellow filmmaking people I guess) miss like nobody's business.

Really, I think it's tough.

But I suppose I wouldn't mind writing the script. O_o Though scripts sound kind of hard to write, too, since you're writing to pictures...

I want to do game writing. Meh. Too bad there's no course for that. I hope we'll at least touch on it a little someday, though.

Sigh. I really want to watch Inception.

Usually, the more talked about a movie is, the more I don't feel like watching it. But Inception seems to have reversed the reverse psychology. I want to watch it. It sounds damn interesting and damn inspirational. I have this feeling it'll inspire me, lol. Or at least make me go "omg", like The Island did.

And believe it or not, I've kind of hit a block with Sora. She seems to be going somewhat out of character. Perhaps because we're forcing the development. It's about time in the plot, but it seems like she's not ready... oh well, I better go back to her root characteristics and listen to her theme I guess. Characters are... complicated.

And I've just proven that I'm somewhat wrong in the head with that, hahaha. No big deal. I'm proud of her.

Back to the projects. I want to see a decent GPA at the end of the semester.

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Talked people to death @ 8:45 PM
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