Saturday, August 21, 2010
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa PV
... OH LOOK MISE-EN-SCENE ELEMENTS! XD Fire, water, texture, lighting, whatever... Mr. Fred would be very pleased indeed. Uh, well.
I am honestly surprised that Hikaru got a hefty part of this song. It's pretty much Wakana's style, but I think Hikaru pulled it off pretty well anyhow. Fitted the transition from inside some cave to the forest outside.
That aside... looks like whoever directed the PV went for a much deeper effect than s/he did for Lacrimosa's PV. Candles, fire... reminds me of... O_o Never mind. Then and again, it kind of fits what'shisname - oh yes! Alois Trancy! Is it?
Oh whatever. I like Ciel better.
But I like the part where the fire slowly dies out. It's kind of symbolic, somehow, but I still don't get the meaning (where's mah translations for the lyrics?! It's something about searching for the eternal garden... wait what the heck does that have to do with candles and rain? ... can't find it... ).
And the rain, well... uh... wet hair? :P
... Boy, I can just imagine those prop guys muttering along the lines of, "CRAP THERE GOES ALL OUR DELICATELY LIGHTED CANDLES. BIG OUCH, MAN! We took like 1000000000 years to light ALL of them properly and poof! There they go!" when the rain smothers all the flames... not to mention they have to re-light 'em all for the ending scene. LOL.
Or maybe they cheated like we did, and filmed the parts with the lighted candles first before the raining part. XD
Labels: Kalafina