Friday, August 20, 2010
When you go off-track...

I was looking for songs to do VC, and look what I found instead!

Every time I hear this song, I instantly think of Nyx and the 13 arcana... thirteen friggin' times of fighting the same boss usually pisses me off, but the battle song was so amazing that I just kept going. O_o

1:44 to 2:28 was what caught my attention actually. Whoever sang that part did it beautifully. It was just so haunting. I couldn't ask for a more perfect tone in terms of music. It's just too bad I can't use this in my project, but well... omg, it makes me feel that bittersweet hope I felt in that last battle all over again.

And I've finally found out what memento mori means. It means "Remember you will die" in Latin. No wonder it kept cropping up in Persona. Maybe I should do a blogskin on that. The concept of Memento Mori does put things in its perspective, because death is part of life, and it simply comes faster for some, and slower for others. This isn't counting suicide though. Imo, life is precious. One shouldn't end their life earlier than it should after all. It's just... kind of like wasting it, I suppose.

Eh, I was just thinking if Persona 3's OST could suit my story, since you do play as a high school student and you do form social links with people, minus the Tartarus exploring and persona summoning... but I ended up setting The Battle for Everyone's Souls on loop instead.

Plus, the song that plays in the Velvet Room - The Poem for Everyone's Souls - is another haunting song indeed. (: I love the singer's voice! And it kinda suits the Velvet Room's theme, I guess. Seeing as Igor & his companion have probably seen thousands of wild card visitors through their journey. They have probably met, and parted, many times indeed. Igor is the one character who has existed from the very first Persona game... to the current fourth. Lol. Poor bug-eyed guy... but if I ever had a dream of stepping into the Velvet Room, I'd probably be more like "shit" than "wow", given what it means to be allowed in the Velvet Room...

And Kimi no Kioku? When it played during the ending credits I felt like crying. It's way too fitting. It makes me think about all the bonds he'd formed in that 1 year. And oddly enough, Akinari's outlook on the purpose of life. That guy found the answer to life's greatest question earlier than the protagonist did! And it was kind of beautiful, that revelation, in a bittersweet way.

Poor protagonist *sigh*.

Oh look, I'm rambling away instead of finding music for VC. Aww crap, but P3's OST is really awesome. It brings out the emotion perfectly... but er, I should get back to searching...


Talked people to death @ 5:52 PM
0 Songs