Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Choosing is difficult.

Astro-navigation sounds extremely interesting, though I hate the mode of assessment (examination? EXAMINATION? I haven't taken a single exam/studied since Sept 2009!)

But it'll be totally useless in real life. ._." Unless I get lost in a boat at sea or something, which is extremely unlikely to happen. ._."

Or maybe not, lol. I could probably use the knowledge of solar and lunar eclipses & tidal movements for a story. Who knows man. I'm more worried about how interested I will be after the first few weeks of lessons, because I'm not that big on studying time/calendars/seasons (if we're studying the concept/perception/origins of those, I will be, but this might be the practical side, so meh.).

Genes & You sounds decent. And the mode of assessment consists of two quizzes! (Quizzes? SIGN ME ON MAN; NO PROJECTS EITHER? O_O)

Psychology & Counselling... well, I just don't like the mode of assessment, LOL. But if push comes to shove I'll go for this. Hohum.

I wanted game design, but figured I'd better not since I can't draw for nuts. Whatever will I do for storyboarding? Draw stick figures? I'll probably fail it big time. ._." 'sides, I've convinced myself that having yet another module that demands creativity on top of all the creativity I'll need for dtvm modules is baaaaaaad.

i-VISION doesn't sound so bad, but it'll probably be a last resort. The mode of assessment sounds decent, though. I'm quite happy as long as the module doesn't mention the word "examinations" in the context of studying. Lol. Class tests are fine. They don't sound so severe. XD

'nuff said. I'll keep thinking until I make up my mind. ._." Sometimes I hate my occasional peculiarity & fussiness. ._." I'm just being niao. XD


Talked people to death @ 8:08 PM
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