Thursday, September 23, 2010
My CD came, but admin work is boring! X_X

Work is boring. Staying at home is also boring... but not so boring. Naturally I got the more boring option, because I was bored of staying at home, which was not so boring, but was still boring, and now I'm even more bored than I was when I was bored of staying at home. (I hope I confused at least one person out there with this, LOL.)

Why am I not surprised. D:

It's not like I expected the office to be super cheery and relaxed. It's just... does it have to be that uptight? I don't even feel like it's possible to check an sms in the middle of work there, lol. And not to mention, admin work is boring. I don't think I'll ever take an admin job.

Unless I'm really desperate.

But I seriously doubt I'll ever be that desperate, seeing as my God is the creator of the universe. He'll definitely give me a job I can like, not a job that will bore me out of my mind and drive me nuts with the increasing urge to scream/shout/squeak, just to see the other workers' reactions. XD

Oh well, at least the pay is decent, I'll give it that. And it's not all bad, it was fun reading through all the stupid things people claim insurance for. Except that I couldn't share the joke with someone since the office was so quiet you could hear the faint whirring of the machines there. And laughing would be like... an explosion along an abandoned walkway, in terms of volume.

On a brighter note, MY CD FINALLY ARRIVED! Straight from Japan! (Might've stayed a few nights over in HK though. Whatever, it's here!) *nosebleeds at PV*

Kagayaku's instrumental is AWESOME. If I could I'd plonk it as a blog song. Except no one's uploaded it, I guess. D: WELL WHY NOT. The instrumental (almost) rivals the actual track (with vocals) in terms of awesomeness. Almost, because Kalafina is awesome as always. :D Though I always wonder why Hikaru got the second part. It sounds a little high for her, lol. Or it might just be me. O_o" IT'S OKAY. IT'S STILL AWESOME. I'LL STILL NOSEBLEED OVER THE PV. :D

Now, did I mention admin work is boring? XD

Oh well. I shall do it for the sake of... doing it. O_o Lol. :D


Talked people to death @ 7:58 PM
0 Songs