Sunday, September 5, 2010
Non-school stuff is always more fun @_@

Did I say I wasn't going to write a single word during holiday?

I retract that statement now (LOL I knew I'd do that sooner or later...).

I was thinking about my hml ca10 (& wondering whether it'd be ok) when an idea just suddenly whacked me in the face. And I thought, damn, if it'd come five months earlier I could've used this for my CA instead!

Well, it kind of underwent a number of changes when I translated the idea from thought to words on a document, but the way I see it, it seems to have potential. It's a combination of what I've recently read and what I wrote for CA. I think I should reread the Quicksilver trilogy. That was the foundation for both ideas after all. @_@

Now to work on the plot...


Talked people to death @ 12:27 PM
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