Thursday, August 26, 2010
And now it's back to life.
Just finished Ys: Seven yesterday. It's pretty awesome. The story isn't anything new in the genre, but there were a few surprising twists all the same. XD Anyhow, the gameplay was so darn good that even if I could predict just about everything story-related right up to the part where Adol gets the last seal (and after that the first twist happened), I kept having this itch to go whack a few more monsters.
The whole concept of the map itself being the battle ground, and battles happening in real-time, but at a manageable pace, is refreshing, after three playthroughs of P3P on my part lol (the MC probably shot herself like hundreds and thousands of times to summon her personae. Poor dear. I bet she won't flip if someone pointed a gun at her now).
*ahem* Anyway, since I finished the game and I got obsessed with the Iska village & Kylos village concept art, I went googling around. Their clothes are cool. I want them @_@ And Cruxie's clothes are cool too. No outstanding hair here, but the clothes are... *stares*
But for some reason, after the lot reached the hidden village of Iska, the plot became pretty similar to The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean. @_@ The whole "the world calleth for its end" & the thing about despair bringing about the world's end. Lol. Anyway. If Ms. WL asked me to analyze this one for the hero's journey, I think I could do it fine. It's bloody obvious, lol. A lot of backtracking though, sigh. Song of the Ocean was a longer game (too long in fact. It took me half a year to finish), but this one does it well all the same.
Tia's Iskan outfit is... whoa. O_o" But the staff is OMG COOL!
Found this on DA. The only fanart dedicated to the eldress of Iska, Tialuna ??? Iskalia (can't remember her long full name), as far as I've uncovered:

Fatefull moonlight
THE STAFF! :D Hehehe.
... Okay.
Anyway. After I spent a whole day on the PSP completing this game, a plot suddenly popped into my mind for csm (LOL).
I don't know whether to cry or to laugh at the fact that after I got the plot, I got stuck at the flow of the story. Sure I know how it starts and ends, but the writing doesn't seem... polished to me. When I read it, I don't really get a series of pictures running in my head, like how some of the best stories do.
Of course, it's only at its second draft, but I don't feel like editing it anymore. =_= Maybe I'll do it later, or tomorrow. Or something. You can't rush the inspiration man!
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