Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random drabbles #2.

Yes. This is a drabble, which is when I write about random thingamajigs and gobbledegook. There might be nothing worth knowing, so there you have it. You have been warned.

------------START DRABBLE! :D

I was going to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new.

But who knew the protagonist would end up injecting fantasy into the story again? Sorry man, I guess I'm just cut out for fantasy. I'm gonna see where it goes, though. I'm almost done with the other one (kinda stuck at the moment. It's nearing its climax but there are several loopholes I've yet to settle) anyway. Nowadays, I can write to a decent point in the plot, but I can never start on a proper draft, lol (because the plot never finishes, OMG. PROCRASTINATION FTW.).

Well, at least I can reach the middle part nowadays. For plotting, at least. I never used to get past chapter 1 before I entered dtvm. O_o With the exception of two extreme bursts of inspiration in sec 1, of course... those two stories need a heaven lot of polishing if I want to make something even remotely publishable. And honestly, the plots are just mediocre to me now. I guess my expectations have gone up. D: One of them could become a game concept, though, if I ever consider it in the future. Some aspects of it, anyway.


I spend a lot of time listening (but with some people, I talk more because there's a lot to talk about! :D Or I know them pretty well, more or less). There's much you can glean about someone by simply listening, often more than you might get from being the talker.

I wonder how some people act when they're with other people. Hahaha. Just curious, I guess. Figuring out how and why people act the way they do is... intriguing. :3

Though I still think it's true that love compromises friendship. In most cases, anyway.

And some people, I've observed, ramble on and on like a bulldozer nonstop, with little concern for the listener.

And there are the ones who can actually hold a two-way conversation pretty well.

Gah why do people always interrupt my blogging nowadays?! I can't finish this frickin' post! I'll continue it tomorrow. Random Drabbles #3!


Talked people to death @ 9:30 PM
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