Monday, October 25, 2010
The things we love.

The BIG problem with doing something you like: you want to be the best. And why is that a problem? Because everyone else also wants to be the best. Right?

I ain't gonna elaborate anymore. And I ain't gonna talk about it either. I'll go about my life and believe that all things work out for good even if everyone seems to be taking 10000000 steps ahead and I'm apparently still standing at the same spot, not moving. Because God takes the night shift and He works behind the scenes. Because everything happens in His timing, not mine, even if I want it to happen NOW OMGWTF LOL.

Oh dear. I'm elaborating already, aren't I? Hahaha.

Well, not that I'm feeling animosity to anyone or anything. I'm just wondering why, for the first time in my life, I'm not living up to my own expectations. Maybe it's because, for the first time too, I'm actually focusing on something I like and my picky perfectionism is showing its true colours. Probably. XD

I'm not rambling about this anymore. Life is too short to harp on the bad things! But lemme harp on the CPU first...

For some odd reason the CPU still isn't working right and it's causing mum to run up and down picking up... things (no idea what it's called lol) to test out on the dumb CPU. Oh c'mon, just work already so we can all settle down and she doesn't have to run all over the place! Can it be so hard to compromise, CPU? ._." Good grief. Idiot CPU. I'd kick you if you hadn't undergone a full makeover (and I love the case now, ohohoho).

And oh my god, I take back my words. I don't think I ever want to be a counselor. I'm only interested in psychology because I want to know how the mind works. Why people do the things they do. And how this can be translated into characters - to make them real, to make them lovable, to make them human.

Oh well. Recruitment isn't going so well either. I'm shocked. Are there so few Kalafina fans in SG that they're countable on both hands? This is bad. Hahaha.


Talked people to death @ 7:29 PM
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