Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saving and loading a life.

I feel like I need to play Oblivion soon, and whack a few goblins (maybe kill a few people for the Dark Brotherhood while I'm at it). Or try out Two Worlds II (thus claiming my Christmas prezzie), which looks decent. I'm loving the idea of dual weapons in an open world RPG, though I haven't touched it yet. Looks complicated, but awesome. Came a little too late though, but it's never too late to touch a game.

That module is screwed beyond anyone's wildest imagination, and it's making cranky whiners out of normally happy-go-lucky people. Okay, so maybe I'm the only one who is extremely annoyed at the fact that half the blame actually falls on the people we're supposed to look up to as mentors. On adults, who (probably) understand responsibility and the burden it lays on their shoulders.

And yes, the other half of the blame lies on myself, as usual, because I took so long to figure out an idea (which isn't one I'm fully happy with, but that I'll settle for) and fix a shooting date (which had to change).

But I still thank the Lord that at least, at least, He did answer me, though in the strangest of ways. I can't help wishing things could be simple and I didn't have to contend with so much crap from fully grown, mature adults, but you know, I still believe all things work out for good.

That doesn't mean I don't complain and whine and bitch and whine and complain and bitch.

Does that make me a hypocrite or something? Well, whatever. I feel I need an outlet to vent, and I'd prefer it not to be human because we all have our limits.

Now. I wish I could cart my desktop with me wherever I go, because I really, really want to play Oblivion or try Two Worlds II (because it looks so great & I've been itching for a good RPG). Oh well. Don't you wish we could save our lives, and then load the save point after we die (or screw up)?


Talked people to death @ 7:11 PM
0 Songs

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bones quotes!

Because my muse is on holiday, because I just wanna do it, because I love Bones to bits (despite disliking season 6 at the moment).


Angela: We make life out of chaos and hope.

Booth: A decomposed corpse was found this morning at Arlington National Cemetery -
Brennan: Arlington National Cemetery is full of decomposed corpses. It's a cemetery.

Hodgins: Unidentified particulates: the two sweetest words I know.
Cam: I don't even want to think about your pillow talk with Angela.

Booth: What are you trying to do?
Brennan: Blackmail you.
Booth: Blackmail a federal agent.
Brennan: (thoughtfully) Yes.
Booth: I don't like it.
Brennan: I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to.
Booth: Fine. You're in.

Booth: God does not make mistakes.
Angela: Hmm, I don't know. Putting testicles on the outside didn't seem like such a good idea.

Booth: You're a smartass, you know that?
Brennan: Objectively I'd say I'm very smart, though it has nothing to do with my ass.

Caroline: (to the squints) I find that you maintain an impressively consistent level of annoyance at all times. Why?

Booth: (to Bones) Use your mutant powers, just talk people to death.

Bones: (to Booth) You're ordering a prostitute from my cell phone?

Booth: Voodoo. Who's going to believe that stuff?
Brennan: It's a religion. No crazier than... well, what are you?
Booth: Catholic!
Brennan: They believe in the same saints you do, in prayer. What they call spells, you call miracles. They have priests.
Booth: We don't make zombies.
Brennan: Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days.
(Dead silence)
Booth: Jesus is not a zombie. I shouldn't have to tell you that.

Brennan: Dancing phalanges!

Brennan: Stop or I'll kick you in the testicles!

Sweets: I think it's interesting, psychologically, how Agent Booth's constant efforts to persuade you to enjoy fruit pie could be interpreted as a type of seduction.

Season 4 finale: You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering - that's the sad truth. Maybe they'll break your heart, or maybe you'll break theirs and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. You see two people and you think, they belong together, but nothing happens. The thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable.

That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight. We feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us.

A burden that allows us to fly.

Booth: (to Brennan) I got it. I got it. Just relax. Just trust me, alright? I'll take care of you. Shhh, I got you. Breathe. I'll take care of you. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I got you, baby.

Brennan: Booth, you've been shot, and beaten, and jumped out of an airplane. The skeletal damage alone -
Booth: Oh God! I'm falling apart.
Brennan: You're fine. (pause) It's your skeleton that's falling apart.

Brennan: The compression fracture to your T3 alone should've incapacitated you years ago. Then there's the fracture to your sternum from when that obese girl shot you, fractures to your meditarcels from when you were tortured, rib piddling from when you foolishly tried to act as a human shield...
Booth: Rib piddling...?
Brennan: ... and that's before we can get to your compromised ligaments, both inter traversed and interior longitudinal.
Booth: How do you have room in your brain to remember all that?
Brennan: I care about you, Booth.

Booth: Yes! We're back.
Brennan: You're the one who told me never to look happy at a crime scene.
Booth: Right. We'll look happy after we find out who did this horrible crime and get them behind bars.
Brennan: Right.

Avalon: Doctor Brennan! How do you feel?
Brennan: Well, they gave me medication so I guess I feel like people of average intelligence feel all the time.

Sweets: I'd consider it a personal favour, Doctor Brennan.
Booth: Ouch. Personal favours are kind of like penalty shots. You kind of have to take them. Unlike dinner requests which you are totally open to decline.

Booth: Listen, Bones, I would do anything for you. I would die for you. I would kill for you. But I am not getting between two best friends.
Brennan: Okay.

Brennan: You noticed something. See? You still got it.
Booth: You're not going to ask me what I saw?
Brennan: Do I want to know?
Booth: No... do you want to know anyway?
Brennan: No. I can wait... I trust you.

Gordon: Temperance Brennan. You're in love with her. You're building a world around her. A family.
Booth: We're not compatible. She sees the world one way, I see it -
Gordon: No. Of course, it's absolutely ludicrous, the idea of you two together. But the heart chooses what it chooses, we don't really have a say in the matter.

Brennan: I have to remove your pants.
(starts removing Booth's pants)
Booth: All right. You know, I'm just going to tart reciting some saints. Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, Saint John...
(Cam enters. Long pause)
Cam: Anyone for mistletoe?
Brennan: I - I'm just recovering evidence.
Booth: Just evidence. That's all.
Cam: Interesting.

Angela: (spots Brennan pushinga half-naked Booth on a lab cart) Are we experimenting on Booth? Because if so I'd like to help out.
Booth: Make fun of the naked guy. Knock yourself out.

Brennan: Oh good, you got here for the good stuff.
Booth: What good stuff?
Brennan: MRI. It's an older model, but entirely serviceable.
Booth: And just so you know, this isn't the good stuff.
Brennan: Of course it is. Look at all those remodeled bones -
(Body in MRI starts to tremble, then sits up. Brennan screams. Booth gets out his gun, which is sucked in by the MRI. Brennan quickly shuts off the machine. Body slumps back into position)
Booth: You know, I won't say anything about the scream if you won't say anything about the gun.
Brennan: Those terms are satisfactory.

Sweets: You kissed?
Booth: Yes.
Brennan: There was tongue contact.

Angela: Things in a toilet bowl should not move.

Brennan: Whose sperm hit whose egg shouldn't determine who works here!

Cam: Citric acid?
Hodgins: It's my considered belief that Agent Booth spilled orange juice on his tie.
Cam: I look forward to him explaining that to a jury.

Brennan: (to Sweets) I can understand quantum mechanics, but I can't understand you.

Brennan: (after answering Booth's cell phone) It's for you.
Booth: Of course it's for me, it's my phone!

Booth: Bones. What are you doing on the ice?
Brennan: I get nervous when you fall down and don't get up.

Wendell: Don't worry. I got the blood.
Booth: (still disoriented) Good work, Bones.
Brennan: I'm Bones.

Booth: Dead guy. What about the dead guy?
Cam: It's obvious. He was frost bitten while climbing Mount Everest, then struck by a meteor, then dumped into a vacant lot in two garbage bags and eaten by crows.
Booth: All right, obvious. That's so obvious.
Cam: It's a start.

Angela: Hey, you stole the body?
Booth: No. No. No. No. We didn't steal it, you see? We borrowed it. Okay? Cam and Bones think it was translated.
Angela: Uh. What?
Booth: Translated. It's code for murder. That's how we're saying it today. Translated.

Hodgins: (having a speech for the deceased) This is a sad day, for all of us. But I think it's important that we remember what we loved about Hank. You know, sense of humor, of course. He was always quick with a joke, good or bad. Usually bad. But he...

(sees Brennan and Booth carrying the deceased outside the window)

... Oh. My god. Uh, oh my god, Hank! Ah, haha. Hank is... Hank is... he is leaving us. Where is he going from here? Who knows? But eh, but eh...

(throws glass on floor)

... Ohh, god, eh, Hank. It's not fair, you know. We live life and we die, we don't love enough ad, and, and I'm gonna not do that anymore. I need to live. And love...

(sees Booth, Brennan & Hank gone)

... Thank you.

Booth: Just make sure when they put me in the ground, I'm dead.
Brennan: No problem.
Booth: Maybe uh, you know, leave my body out for a few hours and check on me every once in a while.
Brennan: I'd rather refrigerate, or you'd start to smell.

Arastoo: Dr. Brennan said to be especially nice to you when the science was difficult.
Booth: How stupid do you people think I am?

Booth: "Casu Consulto." What does that mean?
Brennan: Accidentally on purpose.
Booth: Why do you know things like this?

Hodgins: It's 70% amorphous silicon dioxide. (Brennan nods & leaves)
Booth: What's that?
Hodgins: It's like a common domestic container.
Booth: Oh! Like a jar. Why can't we just say a jar?

Brennan: "Task oriented" is a euphemism for "lacking overall perspective".
Angela: Oh, no. No! ... Well, yeah. Yeah, a little. Like, when's my birthday?
Brennan: I can get the computer to remind me about birthdays.
Angela: That's one of a gajillion examples!
Brennan: You could tell me the other gajillion minus one.

Brennan: I feel I should alert you. There's an additive in this heroin that causes overdoses.
Dealer: Hey, where'd you find her?
Booth: Museum.

Rulz: Mount was gonna jump.
Bones: You mean commit suicide?
Rulz: Where did you find her?
Booth: Museum.
Rulz: I mean labels, jump labels.

Turco: And - wait, did I murder the junkie?
Booth: No, Bones said you probably found him dead.

Angela: If you lose Brennan, you lose us all.

Booth: The squints would flee the Jeffersonian like the French army.

Booth: You have kids and then we'll talk.
Brennan: That's a lot to ask for a little conversation.

Booth: What was with Zach back there?
Brennan: Defending his dissertation. Last step before he gets his doctorate. (looks at body) I think these are what's left of his intestines.
Booth: Is he gonna make it?
Brennan: No. He's very dead.

Booth: Why are you mad at me?
Brennan: (sighs) I need a gun.
Booth: No, you don't. You got me. I'm your gun. You want equipment, here (he holds up handcuffs and puts them on the table) have these, alright? New division of labor: I shoot 'em, you cuff 'em.

Brennan: I wish you wouldn't keep letting me hug you when I get scared.
Booth: Hey, I get scared and I'll hug you. We'll call it even.

Booth: Caroline, I gotta find Bones, keep her from gettin' killed...

Booth: (to Hodgins and Zack) I am walking out of here. You try and stop me again, I'll shoot both of you! (Booth walks out as Zack begins his search)
Zack: Ugh...
Hodgins: What?
Zack: I really need him to come back.
Hodgins: (yells) Booth! (to Zack) Whatever you got better be worth dying for.

Booth: Talk to me, squints, as close to English as possible.

Brennan: "I would like to marry you."
Booth: Kind of sudden, Bones. Let me think about that.
Brennan: No, Booth. That's what Angela told Hodgins. Are you joking?

Agent Gibson: Dr. Brennan, I have jurisdiction.
Brennan: Then why don't I destroy my notes and let you guarantee the identity of the remains?

Brennan: What if I have to shoot? What part of his body should I hit?
Booth: The part that isn't me. Just stay back.

Dr. Goodman: You are the best of us, Miss Montenegro. You discern humanity in the wreck of a ruined human body. You give victims back their faces, their identities, you remind us all of why we're here in the first place... because we treasure human life. (Angela tears up and hugs Dr. Goodman, Brennan walks in)
Brennan: What happened?
Zack: Apparently, all Angela needed was to hear her job description in a deep, African-American tone.

Zack: This is the type of situation where someone says, "Oh, my God."
Hodgins: Pretend you're a person and say it.
Zack: Oh, my God.

Booth: You know the ear you found? There’s no way it’s her own ear, right?
Brennan: How could it be her own ear?
Booth: That’s what I’m saying.
Brennan: What?
Booth: It’s definitely not her ear.
Brennan: How could she bite off her own ear?

Brennan: Why don't we ever take my car?
Booth: Do you have bullet proof vests in the trunk?
Brennan: No.
Booth: That's why.

Cullen: More than three cameras show up and some homicide detective kicks it up to his captain, who kicks it up to the chief, who kicks it to the FBI.
Booth: Bang! And kick it down to me, which I thank you, sir, for the opportunity.

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Talked people to death @ 9:14 PM
0 Songs

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Some people just make me speechless. In a bad way.

EDIT: I finally sat down and did it. I needed the hermit time to write the songfic that's been writing itself in my head ever since I did this blogskin and I finally found it. My dear muse, you're being way too flighty these days, but I'm glad you came back for this one songfic. Really.


You know, I think being a hermit for a few weeks sounds awesome. Going on a random retreat to some forsaken place high up in the mountains (or beside the sea or whatever) sounds good. Just sit there and rot/write/play/sing/whatever. Of course, due to slight paranoia after reading a number of stories about private retreats, I'll make sure I'm still accessible, but only at my discretion. LOL.

Kidding. I don't think I can survive a night in a big house with XX number of rooms in a deserted location all alone. Day might be okay, but night is a totally different story, lol. Unless I plan to play Oblivion or something throughout the night. Vivid imagination works both ways. It's like playing with fire, ahaha.

Plus - what am I going to do about food?! Instant noodles all the way? You gotta be kidding. I'll stay in SG, thank you, and hermit the best way I can while not budging from the little red dot.

Okay, so I am basically irritated by some people and I would really rather just sit at home and simmer for a few days, doing stuff I love without listening to stuff I don't care about or having to put up with people who just need to make themselves sound like they're in the deepest pit of hell.

And they keep doing it until you explode and mutter something about your problems and then they shoot it down just to prove that they're worse off.

It's so pathetic I have pretty much nothing to say.

I mean, sure, I love listening to others and I love it when they share stuff with me. And I try to help.

But you know, if you desperately have to make yourself sound worse off than the person who's listening to you - even when the person says something like, "I've been in something similar, I know how you feel. It totally sucks", well, that's a big problem right there.

I would really rather watch an episode of a weepy soap opera series (and I really hate soap operas) than be the target of these people's pointless babbles. The most annoying fictional characters don't even come close to these people's levels. If I cast any of the said people as a main character, the story would flop beyond imagination, that's for sure.

Bah. I'm done here. Off to catch some Brennan & Booth love (fluff).


Talked people to death @ 11:06 AM
0 Songs

Friday, December 17, 2010
Everything awesome comes in 2011.

I really want to know why every single game/book/show I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on is set to release next year. WHY, PEOPLE, WHY?


Current anticipated-things-list
Jan 2011
20th: Bones season 6 episode 10

Feb 2011
15th: Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together [PSP]
22nd: Darkest Mercy (WL #5)

March 2011
8th: Dragon Age II [PC]

Nov 2011
11th: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim*** [PC]

TBA 2011
Fable III [PC]
Dissidia 012 Duodecim [PSP]
Dungeon Siege III [PC]



***With regards to Skyrim: OH MY GOD IT'S FINALLY HERE AFTER 5 YEARS. ELDER SCROLLS V. SKYRIM. AFTER OBLIVION'S TIMELINE. MORE BROTHERHOOD AWESOMENESS (I hope.). THIS IS GONNA BE EPIC. Five long years, and I haven't played a first-person RPG that's better than Oblivion in terms of customization and questline. I expect Skyrim to be worth every last second of those five (+1) years of no Elder Scrolls-ness.



Talked people to death @ 10:06 PM
0 Songs

Thursday, December 16, 2010
I still love Bones, but I gotta do a commercial.

Bones season 6 spoilers

Oh crap. I've long known about the spoiler that there will be a proposal in s6, but I didn't realize it was coming so soon, LOL. Feb. Shit. As much as I want it to be Booth and Brennan, I highly doubt so. Even after ep 6x09. Things don't turn around so quickly when they've waded into a neck-deep lake of unspoken troubles and whatnot. I'd say Angela and Hodgins, but aren't those two already married?

Plus Hart's words confuse me. He says it'll be a proposal that will please the fans, but also that it's his mission to torture the fans with this one. So... which one is it?! Make up your mind! XD

I suspect Daisy and Sweets, though Booth and Hannah seem the most likely pairing at the moment (and then Brennan gets kidnapped and he's forced to re-examine his choi - LOL, kidding. That was speculation.), but you know, that definitely will not please the fans. The majority, anyway. Oh wow, I belong to the majority for once. Speaking of that, I can't believe I actually like the two main characters best. Usually I fall head over heels for the side ones. Now that's something.

Point being that if Booth did propose to Hannah, I would be coming after some very important people with a very sharp and pointy pencil. Yes, pencils are dangerous. You can poke with pencils. And poking is dangerous. (:

Right. End ramble.

I hate the fact that we have to check out the cameras. Damn. This is troublesome, you know? This whole VPPP thing is troublesome. Gah.

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Talked people to death @ 10:23 AM
0 Songs

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hillsong - Believe

A Beautiful Exchange 2010
Composed by: Reuben Morgan & Darlene Zsechech
Arranged by: Reuben Morgan & Darlene Zsechech
Vocals: Darlene Zshechech/Hillsong Live

You are my light,
You are my strength,
You are my Rock,
On You I stand

I lift my voice,
I raise my hands.
I lift my soul,
With all I am.

In Christ forever I stand,

I will believe,
You are strong enough.
In my weakness,
God be lifted up.
And I will sing,
Lift Your praises high.
Lord be magnified,
You make all things new,
I will believe.

So hear this song,
Receive our praise.
You are my strength,
For all my days.

We lift You up,
Our voices high.
In every storm,
Let God arise.

In Christ forever I stand,

I will believe,
You are strong enough.
In my weakness,
God be lifted up.
And I will sing,
Lift Your praises high.
Lord be magnified,
You make all things new,
I will believe.

Oh Your love,
Your love it never fails,
Your love it knows no end,
Your love will never fail.
Oh Your love,
Stronger than my shame,
Greater than my pain,
Your love will never fail.


Believe holds significant meaning for me. Every time I hear this, I'm reminded of what the song is connected to. Of the many, many fears and dreams it is connected to. More importantly, I'm reminded of that hope. And even if at that moment I'm unable to believe in that hope, it reminds me that He promised.

And He can't break His word.

That's why I will believe.


Talked people to death @ 9:08 PM
0 Songs

Monday, December 13, 2010
I'm so happy I could fall off my chair.

Nearly a month after its conception, I sat down to make the Bones blogskin at last. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted, but oh well. With the lack of high quality images lurking on the web (at least, I found precious few HQ pics & only two renders - why?), I guess I had to settle for the slightly blurred ones.

And yes, totally inspired by Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me. :D

Ohhhh I feel so happy now. I'm gonna go watch some Bones gag reels and interviews. 'Cos they're so hilarious.

What I wouldn't give to be on the set for one day just to see the cast mess up their lines 3, 4, 5 times in a row and mis-pronounce all the scientific gabbledegook and make funny/stupid faces/sounds when they forget their lines and basically just fool around (I bet the director probably got irritated after a while).

Oh, and I loveee how David tries repeatedly to get one line correct and finally gives up and goes, "You know, I just hate this line. I really, really hate it," and his fellow actor just laughs in the season 3 gag reel. And when Emily goes, "I wanna punch the writers sometimes..." and hi-fives David in one of the gag reels. HAHAHA.

Gag reels!

On a side note, I really, really don't want to go to the dentist. I really don't. Gee. Why must our teeth decay, eh?

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Talked people to death @ 9:43 AM
0 Songs

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Blogskin muse is BACK!

Sometimes I just love Taylor Swift's songs. You Belong With Me is on loop because the chorus seems made for Brennan & Booth. HA! :D And some parts of the verses are. Gotta reverse the roles a bit, though. Whatever!

But my blogskin inspiration is back!

And so I'm finally going to change my blogskin again. I've been wanting to try my hand at a Bones blogskin. I kept procrastinating because the images are so hard to crop properly (I love Emily's hair, but god, it's a pain in photoshop).

Plus I've never tried the colour scheme I'm doing this time, so I've no idea if it'll actually work out (I suck at colour schemes, so I try to stick to the usual. Except that the picture I used just screamed the "blue" to me). It might just end up disastrous, though I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I find a decent font colour. If not, it's back to opacity adjustment again. And I might lose the effect I want in the process.

But hey, my original plan was to do a blogskin with slight angst, except half the images I found were of Brennan & Booth laughing their ass off or smiling, so it turned out... rather hopeful. Totally unintended. But at least it makes me think of happy moments in Bones. And all the goofy banter.

AND NOW I FEEL SO HAPPY 'COS THIS SONG JUST REMINDS ME THAT BRENNAN AND BOOTH WILL GET TOGETHER IN THE END (if they don't I will fly to US and poke Hart Hanson in the eye with a pencil)!

There's one quote I love to bits in season 5. Here it is:

You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering – that’s the sad truth. Maybe they’ll break your heart, or maybe you’ll break theirs and never be able to look at yourself in the same way.

Those are the risks.

You see two people and you think, they belong together, but nothing happens. The thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable.

That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight. We feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us.

A burden that allows us to fly.
-Season 5 finale

Man, the scriptwriters are geniuses. I want their brains, Lord. I want it.

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Talked people to death @ 9:58 PM
0 Songs

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Oh, wow.

Bones season 6, episode 9 completely blew me away.

I'm speechless.

It was amazing. No, not just amazing - astounding, unbelievable, breathtaking, mindblowing, heartbreaking yet incredibly hopeful, emotionally tense, fantastic, astounding, unbelievable - did I mention amazing yet?

Just... wow, Emily & David. Wow.


Talked people to death @ 11:09 AM
0 Songs

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Say hello to my new obsession.

I realize my blog only becomes super active when I have an obsession over something. Or when I really love something and I desperately need to ramble about it. At this moment the thing in question is obviously Bones (if you haven't already realized. I thought it was obvious).

I wrote a bit of BB angst today in school. I wanted fluff, but what came out of me was angst, because I really couldn't get the awesome ep9 promo out of my head (and that promo is just pleading for angst. As is the whole season 6 so far).

Point being that I should really finish the angst before ep9 comes out tomorrow since it's based off Brennan's two epic lines. But no worries. I don't have to upload that to Though I'd love to, if only to add on to the growing collection of fanfics based off the promo. And those. Two. Epic. Lines.

I needed to ramble, and the writer's side of me could not resist weaving a story out of those two lines. Weaving multiple scenarios out of it, in fact (I'm so glad my creativity hasn't died after 8 weeks of school). And heroic Booth rescuing Brennan from a car accident (oh man that is awesome. Booth hasn't saved her from anything in a long time). And the whole drawing-parallels-to-her-own-life thing.

The two lines in question?

"I made a mistake. I missed my chance."

Damn if she isn't referring to what I believe she is referring to. Which is so heartwarming, yet at the same time so heartbreaking. My heart just broke when she said that, but there was also this little glimmer of hope 'cos you know, I personally would've shot Hannah by now and said, "good riddance, Miss Perfect. Outta the show you go.".

But I'm not in the writing team, and apparently Miss Perfect is going to hang around stealing Booth's love from Brennan until ep 15 or so, so... oh well. I shall tolerate her because she isn't in the opening title (ha! She'll be gone soon), and the writers have apparently promised the ending that we want. :D

Even if they're taking forever to get there. Even if I have to wait until next year just for episode 10, and then wait another 5+ episodes to see Hannah dumped (or die, I wouldn't mind).

THEY WILL GET THERE. They'll realize they were made for each other, that the bond they share is special. :D

And then it'll be the end of Bones. Sad, but I'd rather the series end with Booth and Brennan getting together/married, instead of continuing even after that happens. Just stop there, or they'd lose the essence. I think it'd be awesome to actually end a television series properly that way. Not to mention I'll be ecstatic! :D Six seasons is enough. The actors have mentioned an eight-season contract... but. :D

Oh man, I've rambled about Bones for 3 consecutive blog posts. Well, no one else is going to squeal with me (or cry with me when ep 9 is aired), so oh well! Gotta let the fangirl in me out somehow. This is better than trashing some poor fellow with Bonesy talk.

Ooh, I can't wait for episode 9! :D

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Talked people to death @ 9:38 PM
0 Songs

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Psychological breakdowns are interesting.

Spoilers for Bones season 6 episode 9 (which will be aired on Dec 9. In case the wrong people are reading this. LOL.).


I have my doubts about where the writers are heading with Bones. While I'm really, really interested (from a writer's pov again) in seeing how they're going to tear apart Brennan's character in ep 9, I have my doubts about how they'll patch things up after her psychological breakdown. Which will probably span like... 3 eps?

I love character breakdowns because they're very deep and are one of the hardest plot elements to pull off (they're awesome if done right though. Some are just downright impressive), but not all of the psychological breakdowns I've read in stories turned out for the better. Some of them kind of screwed the story, and Brennan's is going to be really hard to pull off successfully (given her rational and logical character).

I can't see Booth reacting very kindly to her breakdown, even though I wish (and if I were part of the writing team I would hold him at gunpoint and force him to break up with Hannah) he would. It's only ep 9, and they have like - what - maybe 10+ episodes to go? Booth and Brennan getting together after 9 episodes is kind of... like wtf. BUT I WOULD LOVE IT, LOL!

Actually, maybe the series has already gone on long enough. I absolutely love it still, but maybe they've dragged the character development too much. It happens, I guess. It happens with all stories when marketing and profit gets involved. Which is almost every story. It's kind of sad, really. The best stories are those that know when to end. When to stop, even if it's bittersweet to let it go.

But sometimes writers can't do that. Sometimes the artistic side cries out for them to stop, but they can't, because money says otherwise. And then the story just loses its essence.

Bones hasn't. At least, to me, season 6 still retains a bit of the essence it had in the first few seasons (can't judge for the 1st & 5th since I haven't watched those, but). But if Brennan and Booth don't have - or hint at - their usual banter/chemistry by the end of this episode (I mean, for goodness' sake, Brennan breaks down in ep 9. And given her strong-willed character, that must mean it's pretty bad) , I will be really disappointed.

But aha, I have faith somehow. The promo looks good (at least it gets me excited with Booth saving Brennan from a car and all)!

Anyway, even if it flops (I hope not! There's a lot of potential, but Booth's reaction is probably the most important aspect of it... DAMN I AM EXCITED), it'll be useful material for Sora. Brennan shares one (just one, but a strong one) trait with her. And it'll be a good case study, I guess. If it's good, I know what thread to follow. If it's bad, well - I know what thread not to follow.

I have never written out a character's psychological breakdown, though I've always thought about it in my head. I find it interesting that such breakdowns either make or break someone completely. What does it take to recover? What kind of thought processes do they have? Why is it some people can take breakdowns, and others can't?

And I am digressing. ANYWAY, I HAVE FAITH IN THE COMING EP. I STILL INTEND TO WRITE B&B FLUFF (no ideas yet though). Go on, Deschanel & Boreanaz, slay me with your acting in ep 9. :D

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Talked people to death @ 9:35 PM
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Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh. My. God.


So I couldn't resist it. I spoiled myself. And now I know I should be looking at season 6 - season 5 can wait.

Still wondering if I should try writing my first-ever fluff...


Okay. Okay.

... Oh my god. (Yes, if you haven't already realized, this is going to be a ramble. About Bones. So you (might) want to stop here.)

I need to sort out the deluge of conflicting emotions that rushed into me after watching the season 4 finale. AND I WANT TO WATCH SEASON 5. NOW.

For one, I am smiling my ass off (this is purely from a writer's POV, ok), but am also feeling the massive disappointment at B&B's lack of a kiss (THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, DAMNIT! BOOTH WAS GOING FOR SURGERY, BONES, SURGERY! A kiss might've helped! XD) and I'm also feeling a few other emotions that are all tangled up into each other so I can't really tell what. Mostly described as the "Oh-my-god-what-the-heck" emotion. At least, I describe it that way.

So. Let's break down, yeah!

I'm smiling because... because damn, the writers used a cliche, but it worked so well. And, and everything ties in together nicely - all the ups and downs of the various relationships... and stuff. So I love the character development part. Storytelling wise... oh well, I can no longer comment on that since I absolutely love B&B fluff.

And disappointment. Oh, this is easy. They. Never. Kissed.

Oh sure, there were tons (and I mean tons) of electrifying moments when the emotional/sexual tension was so high I could swear they were going to ki - and they didn't. (insert fangirl sigh.) Both of them are in denial, I swear.

Oh, but I do get why they are in denial. See, if B&B are together - there's not much of Bones left. A big part of the show (minus the obvious crime-solving) focuses on their relationship-yet-not-relationship - and that is what keeps me watching, anyhow. So when they were finally together (in a dream, damnit, a dream!) in the s4 finale, I couldn't believe it. Until I realized it was a dream and figured it was Booth's.

But then bam! He wakes up, he doesn't remember her in real life. Damn. That whole dream sequence was an awesome buildup to the twist (that made my heart twinge so badly) at the end. And I am back to rambling about, uh, story plot, whatever it's called.

But yes, I am sorely disappointed - but I figure they have to keep going. I hope Bones ends in season 6 (and they get together and the finale ep is going to be this awesome wedding scene between Angela & Hodgins, and Booth & Brennan. OHMYGOD! *squeals*).

It seems like a good time - then and again, if Booth doesn't remember her, it might take another freaking 4 seasons. Which I hope not. TV series shouldn't go on forever and ever. A sweet, happy, planned ending would be awesome, rather than a sweet, happy, but abrupt one.

Okay, okay. I will stop rambling and I will resist the urge to spoil myself about season 5 (I'm sure Booth remembers in the end or something. Can the writers really bear to start character development all the way from the beginning again? :P). I SHALL WAIT.

Waiting is a game. :3 A very irritating game, but one that must be played, nonetheless.

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Talked people to death @ 9:16 AM
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Muses #02

Ever17 -the out of infinity-
Composed by: KID


Beautifully sad piano song. I swear I was going to bawl there and then when this song started playing in Tsugumi's ending.

I was reading a slew of Brennan/Booth fluff on It made me all happy and warm and fuzzy on the inside - hot damn this is how they should be - but then I remembered that someone mentioned season 5's finale was going to be a tearjerker. And that apparently Brennan rejects Booth's proposal at some point. I haven't even finished season 3 and I'm scared to know what happens in their relationship.

They're made for each other, they are! D:

Um, back to Brennan/Booth fanfics. I happened to have Karma on loop when I read some of the more angsty fics (with either of them dying and the other regretting like shit) AND IT WAS REALLY SAD! Sigh. I hope they get together in the end. Brennan/Booth might be my first ever OTP.

I have always refrained from pairing characters, but those two need to be together man! Really!

I will so write Brennan/Booth fluff once I catch up with the series.

That said, I had the time to compare my fanfics with my original works.

And I realized the quality between the two is incredibly shocking. My fanfics are much better than my original works. That's sad. D: I guess I'm not really ready for original works yet. I probably can't develop characters well enough for them to carry a whole story on their own. Doesn't mean I'm not working on any concepts now... I'll just work on them, and next time I take a peek at them, I might have the experience to revise it into something workable.

... But really, how the heck did I write those fanfics? D:

Now I feel like I've totally lost whatever I had when I wrote fanfiction, especially the Dragon Age one. I feel like I've dropped a great deal when it comes to writing standards. Or is it because of the nature of school assignments? D:

I still had whatever it was before the 2nd semester. After taking that part-time job in Oct, I feel like I've lost something important, related to writing. It's the thing that I still had when I wrote that Zevran/Surana fanfic (which I read today and went, wtf? What happened to me?)

I dunno. I hope it comes back, because whatever it is, it's important. It's related to expression, to word choice, to description. I have no idea what it is. It's definitely not passion because I still have that. Jesus, I want it (whatever writing muse I've lost) back!

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Talked people to death @ 9:43 PM
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