Tuesday, August 31, 2010
More complaining! Yay!

I was just thinking that since I'd spent so much time ironing out the kinks for the hml plot (& there are more kinks to iron out after consultation, LOL. I can't believe I never saw all that =/), I might as well really write out the entire story.

It's the only plot in which I've reached my desired ending, after all, even if the story started to write itself towards the end. And plus, I do like the concept still, even if I'm not too pleased with how the ending turned out to be.

It could've been worse, I guess. It could've been some crappy ending pulled out of thin air, with 100000000000 plot holes in it, instead of an ending with only several deviations from the original.

Anyway. I'm just being picky with the word count. Sure, I exceeded it, but it's within 10% so there's no penalty. Even so, I feel kinda annoyed about that. Lol.

Since Karmy and I had 5 hours to kill before consultation, we dropped by Kino. And I got myself another book, omg. The cover (& the concept) won me over. A girl with the ability to steal a magician's power through a glass orb, turning them into crystallized forms of energy? That's original, interesting and totally mindblowing. I'm not quite liking Opal, though, but we shall see how she... what's the word? Ah yes, grows. Bwahaha.

I feel like something's not done yet though. What it is, I've no idea... @_@ Maybe it'll come to me later...

Anyway, I give my heartfelt thanks to Kalafina's Natsu no Ringo, for giving me that last burst of inspiration that combined the two branches of my csm plot together. But waait... it hasn't passed consultation yet... @_@


Talked people to death @ 7:30 PM
0 Songs

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm so unmotivated to write csm. Now that the story seems to branch into two different conflicts and endings, I have to choose between them, and I have no idea which to choose. I guess I'll just have to write out both branches and see for myself. But that doesn't motivate me at all. Lol.

After seeing one of the tweets on Karmy's page, I suddenly remembered that I'd pretty much the same problem, lol.

I wrote 1700+ words for Sora's next major character development, which involves torture again. Sorry Sora, you've a morbid creator. Every major development seems to come with torture. Poor dear.

I sympathize, yes I do, but MWAHAHA TOO BAD WOMAN YOU CAN'T KILL YOUR CREATOR *gets shot*.

... Ahem. As I was saying. And I wrote 0 words for csm. I only started csm after I finished 3/4 of Sora's, uh, experience.

*gets shot again*

... I don't know how many times it'll take before she learns that she can't kill her creator. But anyway. I'm not going senile, I just find it fun to have interaction between my character and myself. I'm sure Sora'd have a lot to complain if she had a will of her own. Well, technically she does, but ahem, I have the final say. Heh.

Well, guess the grass is always greener on the other side, yes? Maybe I should wait until consultation - nah, that'd be procrastination already. Guess I better start writing. Tia's waiting! D:


Talked people to death @ 7:07 PM
0 Songs

Saturday, August 28, 2010
I need to go jogging, I think.

I wish I could sing like Hikaru or Wakana, lol. @_@ But I have a long way to go. No lung power to carry high notes, as I realized while we were trying out Seventh Heaven today (could just barely reach 1/4 of the time Wakana holds her freaking high notes). Lol. Bah. It's so demoralizing, lol. :(

But it was fun. Singing with Peipei, that is. LOL.

Meh, it's okay. It's why I like Kalafina. Unlike others, it's not easy to sing their songs. It's not easy to learn the harmonies. Heck, trying to sing their songs properly makes me realize just how difficult it is. And how unique they are. They should be more recognized :( But most people just look at whether the tune is catchy or not. Vocal technique comes in second. Sigh. Technology has pretty much offset the need for good vocal technique anyhow. The distinction between good singers and mediocre ones only show in their live performances.

Even then...

Anyway, I like the challenge their songs pose. I'll keep practicing! I won't give up singing! I might give up on everything else (well, except writing too), but I won't give up singing! And someday... well, we shall see. :D

Oh well. Should go jogging some time. I need more lung power! Then I can carry those really high notes! Or I guess I should work on breathing technique first? Argghh geez!


Talked people to death @ 10:17 PM
0 Songs

Friday, August 27, 2010
Paper bag hunting

I'm still not quite happy. The story is evolving, and I don't know what to keep and what to drop.

Oh well.


*ahem* Anyway. Was Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa used as a special ed for ep 8 or something because of Alois' death? Ep 9's ed reverted back to Bird again. I'm kind of pissed that their new single was pretty much dedicated to Alois (what about Sebby and Ciel?!), but I can't complain. It's a lovely single & I'm getting a new album. Lol.

Maybe the song Adore will be dedicated to Sebby & Ciel, but from the sample, it doesn't seem like it is. Oh well.

Went paper bag hunting with Alex today. And we were extremely proud of ourselves for getting lost - oh wait, we were supposed to pretend nothing of the sort happened. Haha.

Anyway, our Pepper Lunch meal was totally screwed because we went and ordered green tea with no sugar (how the heck were we supposed to know it'd be bitter?). And then Alex overcooked her beef and I undercooked a few chicken bits (LOL). After that, she put too much sauce and I plonked too much pepper.

So yes, it was a disaster. XD But it was still fun, hahaha.

Eventually we ended up at some random place in Raffles place & chatted away. Lol. Alex didn't find her paper bags, but got some envelopes that looked like paper bags, so I consider it a success, given that we're in the 21st century now.

Anyway. I should go read the manga I bought from Kino... Phantom Dream seems interesting...


Talked people to death @ 9:31 PM
0 Songs

Thursday, August 26, 2010
And now it's back to life.


Just finished Ys: Seven yesterday. It's pretty awesome. The story isn't anything new in the genre, but there were a few surprising twists all the same. XD Anyhow, the gameplay was so darn good that even if I could predict just about everything story-related right up to the part where Adol gets the last seal (and after that the first twist happened), I kept having this itch to go whack a few more monsters.

The whole concept of the map itself being the battle ground, and battles happening in real-time, but at a manageable pace, is refreshing, after three playthroughs of P3P on my part lol (the MC probably shot herself like hundreds and thousands of times to summon her personae. Poor dear. I bet she won't flip if someone pointed a gun at her now).

*ahem* Anyway, since I finished the game and I got obsessed with the Iska village & Kylos village concept art, I went googling around. Their clothes are cool. I want them @_@ And Cruxie's clothes are cool too. No outstanding hair here, but the clothes are... *stares*

But for some reason, after the lot reached the hidden village of Iska, the plot became pretty similar to The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean. @_@ The whole "the world calleth for its end" & the thing about despair bringing about the world's end. Lol. Anyway. If Ms. WL asked me to analyze this one for the hero's journey, I think I could do it fine. It's bloody obvious, lol. A lot of backtracking though, sigh. Song of the Ocean was a longer game (too long in fact. It took me half a year to finish), but this one does it well all the same.

Tia's Iskan outfit is... whoa. O_o" But the staff is OMG COOL!

Found this on DA. The only fanart dedicated to the eldress of Iska, Tialuna ??? Iskalia (can't remember her long full name), as far as I've uncovered:

Fatefull moonlight

THE STAFF! :D Hehehe.

... Okay.

Anyway. After I spent a whole day on the PSP completing this game, a plot suddenly popped into my mind for csm (LOL).

I don't know whether to cry or to laugh at the fact that after I got the plot, I got stuck at the flow of the story. Sure I know how it starts and ends, but the writing doesn't seem... polished to me. When I read it, I don't really get a series of pictures running in my head, like how some of the best stories do.

Of course, it's only at its second draft, but I don't feel like editing it anymore. =_= Maybe I'll do it later, or tomorrow. Or something. You can't rush the inspiration man!


Talked people to death @ 12:07 PM
0 Songs

Monday, August 23, 2010
Hunting for that one thing

I've finally killed everything that needs to be killed on my list of die-die-must-finish things to do before the end of the break, except that one, elusive project. Well, more like the idea for that project is elusive. I guess I just can't think in non-serious terms.

Sure, I've drawn on experiences and I've tested out a few ideas/suggestions even. But none of them seem to fit the requirements. I've never faced such a massive block in creating a story, where my mind is just a complete blank when I think about it. Maybe it's because the whole concept of writing a story deeply embedded in our current reality and having a non-life threatening conflict is new to me.

I mean, I have like zero interest in romance and family novels. They just seem really angsty and characters tend to mope around in those. But in a fantasy story, the stakes are upped way beyond what reality offers. Characters talk in terms of their lives, of the lives of others', not just the relationship with their family, or boyfriend/girlfriend. When these characters come to a final resolution, it has much more effect than the resolution of a character in a romance or family novel.

That's just my opinion, but it's why I love fantasy. The unreal makes the real much more precious. Although of course, sometimes you end up wishing you could be that one person with so much power, etc. XD

... Wait, back to my original point. My interests make writing a non-fantasy story incredibly difficult for me. Which sucks, seeing as that's what I have to write. Shit.

Lord, You seriously have to help me on this. I have a week left - well, give or take a few days - and I have practically zero ideas in my head. But I'm believing what pastor said on Saturday. That what You promise, You'll do. And You promised that I don't have to worry about tomorrow, because You clothe even the flowers and feed the birds everyday, and You'll do that and so much more for me. You promised You'll take care of my every need because You love me that much.

So I'm just gonna give this into Your hands. And I'm just gonna believe that when the idea comes, it will be supernatural, like a drop of heavenly rain from the sky.

But please, not when I'm in the toilet doing big business. I don't want to scramble around for something to write the idea on, or run out half-naked just to grab my phone! :D


Talked people to death @ 7:37 PM
0 Songs

Sunday, August 22, 2010
I think it's hard being a media student.

I seriously can't be bothered to deconstruct Survivor's format... but ugh, the presentation is the second project to be due when school opens again! VC is the first, and well... gah. I believe God prospers even my mistakes. Um, well, at least that's what I'm trying to believe, because it didn't work out, and I don't want to do it again (it'll just not work out all over again after all), so... ugh, I hope I can pass. >_<"

Having to handle actors is hell for me.

The one project I'm more or less okay with is HML, though I'm kinda concerned about the presentation. How in the world do you present a character's journey, short of a powerpoint slide featuring the 12 stages of the hero's journey & what happens in those stages in point form?

Let's not even think about CSM. I might have a story down, but my character has what the lecturer would call a "vague goal" (which means the entire story essentially flops I guess?), and while I think I got the setting okay, the middle & end is crap.

I'd consult, but I'm kinda scared. O_o And lazy too. At least I'm getting work done, I guess. Gotta look at the bright side, yes?


Talked people to death @ 2:42 PM
0 Songs

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa PV

... OH LOOK MISE-EN-SCENE ELEMENTS! XD Fire, water, texture, lighting, whatever... Mr. Fred would be very pleased indeed. Uh, well.

I am honestly surprised that Hikaru got a hefty part of this song. It's pretty much Wakana's style, but I think Hikaru pulled it off pretty well anyhow. Fitted the transition from inside some cave to the forest outside.

That aside... looks like whoever directed the PV went for a much deeper effect than s/he did for Lacrimosa's PV. Candles, fire... reminds me of... O_o Never mind. Then and again, it kind of fits what'shisname - oh yes! Alois Trancy! Is it?

Oh whatever. I like Ciel better.

But I like the part where the fire slowly dies out. It's kind of symbolic, somehow, but I still don't get the meaning (where's mah translations for the lyrics?! It's something about searching for the eternal garden... wait what the heck does that have to do with candles and rain? ... can't find it... ).

And the rain, well... uh... wet hair? :P

... Boy, I can just imagine those prop guys muttering along the lines of, "CRAP THERE GOES ALL OUR DELICATELY LIGHTED CANDLES. BIG OUCH, MAN! We took like 1000000000 years to light ALL of them properly and poof! There they go!" when the rain smothers all the flames... not to mention they have to re-light 'em all for the ending scene. LOL.

Or maybe they cheated like we did, and filmed the parts with the lighted candles first before the raining part. XD


Talked people to death @ 10:29 AM
0 Songs

Friday, August 20, 2010
When you go off-track...

I was looking for songs to do VC, and look what I found instead!

Every time I hear this song, I instantly think of Nyx and the 13 arcana... thirteen friggin' times of fighting the same boss usually pisses me off, but the battle song was so amazing that I just kept going. O_o

1:44 to 2:28 was what caught my attention actually. Whoever sang that part did it beautifully. It was just so haunting. I couldn't ask for a more perfect tone in terms of music. It's just too bad I can't use this in my project, but well... omg, it makes me feel that bittersweet hope I felt in that last battle all over again.

And I've finally found out what memento mori means. It means "Remember you will die" in Latin. No wonder it kept cropping up in Persona. Maybe I should do a blogskin on that. The concept of Memento Mori does put things in its perspective, because death is part of life, and it simply comes faster for some, and slower for others. This isn't counting suicide though. Imo, life is precious. One shouldn't end their life earlier than it should after all. It's just... kind of like wasting it, I suppose.

Eh, I was just thinking if Persona 3's OST could suit my story, since you do play as a high school student and you do form social links with people, minus the Tartarus exploring and persona summoning... but I ended up setting The Battle for Everyone's Souls on loop instead.

Plus, the song that plays in the Velvet Room - The Poem for Everyone's Souls - is another haunting song indeed. (: I love the singer's voice! And it kinda suits the Velvet Room's theme, I guess. Seeing as Igor & his companion have probably seen thousands of wild card visitors through their journey. They have probably met, and parted, many times indeed. Igor is the one character who has existed from the very first Persona game... to the current fourth. Lol. Poor bug-eyed guy... but if I ever had a dream of stepping into the Velvet Room, I'd probably be more like "shit" than "wow", given what it means to be allowed in the Velvet Room...

And Kimi no Kioku? When it played during the ending credits I felt like crying. It's way too fitting. It makes me think about all the bonds he'd formed in that 1 year. And oddly enough, Akinari's outlook on the purpose of life. That guy found the answer to life's greatest question earlier than the protagonist did! And it was kind of beautiful, that revelation, in a bittersweet way.

Poor protagonist *sigh*.

Oh look, I'm rambling away instead of finding music for VC. Aww crap, but P3's OST is really awesome. It brings out the emotion perfectly... but er, I should get back to searching...


Talked people to death @ 5:52 PM
0 Songs

Thursday, August 19, 2010
I can't wait! :D

I just had to go and watch the interview with Dragon Age II's lead designer.

And Fable III's too.

Now I'm incredibly impatient for both games to be released. Ugh! *adds the two games to her ever-growing list of wants*

I have to admit, that sword battle in DA 2's video totally won me over. I'm half-suspecting that we'll be playing as the child that Morrigan bore - the boy/girl who bears the soul of an Ancient God within him/her. Maaaaan, that sounds awesome if it's true! Never mind Grey Wardens, let's play as that child whom Morrigan vanished with!

And as for Fable III, they've finally incorporated gender selection! My pet peeve about having to play as a male in a supposedly open RPG has been satisfied. Lol. I've always had this personal issue with gender in games that claim to be choice-based. Shouldn't the very first choice be that of the gender? And I hope they took out the aging process. Uh, maybe not, but at least the choice of playing as a girl is there.

Well, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Fable a lot, but I liked my character better when he was young and handsome, lol. After he aged, and the townspeople still loved him to death, it got kind of creepy to me (which young girl would love some middle-aged guy sprouting a beard?!)... I guess I'm pretty narcissistic when it comes to game protagonists...

The graphics look very promising, though! Looks like it'll be top-notch. I wonder if my desktop can handle it...

The best thing about Fable's battle sequence was the decapitating, imo. Xav went "OMG" when he first spotted my character cleanly lopping the guy's head off. But hey, realism makes for an immersing gameplay. It's why I liked DA too. Strategic gore, I'll call it. After all, you can't expect the ground to be spotless if you're going to slaughter a couple of bandits with your bow, sword, whatever.


If not, I'll... *sigh*

EDIT: Fable III releases on 26 October 2010?! Crap, that's near the start of our term! ;-;


Talked people to death @ 4:56 PM
0 Songs

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa samples

I feel like this blog is turning into an update site. But I just need to ramble about this, damnit! XD

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa PV sample*
RAIN! RAIN! They've never gotten wet before in a PV! O_o" But but, I like the candles. And the use of shadows... sigh, the cons of being a dtvm student. I just can't watch a PV and go like, huh, what was that all about? But I suppose that's a good thing, too. Although... candles + gothic lolita + black = damn emo. I expect the lyrics to be very, very emo too. o_O

adore sample*
Adore sounds odd, tune-wise. o_O But hmm, can't judge by a sample, can I? Anyway I can't wait for the full song! :D

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa will be used in Kuroshitsuji episode 8! I can't wait for the episode! :D

I hope the LE comes with a Kuroshitsuji sticker, like the Gazette single... =_= Just want to stick more things on my lappy, is all...

Speaking of which, I haven't even started on the movie analysis of Inception. But well, I don't feel like doing it... it'll just make me obsess over the ending and wonder whether it's actually a dream, or reality. And then I won't get any work done. In fact, now that my mind's on the analysis I'm starting to obsess over Inception's ending again. Seriously, why couldn't it have been a closed ending?! Lol.

Oh well. Life goes on, and I need to start on the analysis before I obsess over the ending again...

* - from cpm

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Talked people to death @ 7:00 PM
0 Songs

Monday, August 16, 2010
Kuroshitsuji insert song preview

Yay changed blogskin! :D

And a preview of Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa from cpm...

Kyaaaa! :D

Finished CSM & HML today. At least, the draft 1. And now I'm wondering what to say for the presentation. Still can't figure out what I should be saying, but.

The airport is a nice place to do your stuff. It's quiet, and it's so far away it makes you do your work because you've come all the way here. At least, it works for me. I'll be like, ah, I don't want to do this... but I came all the way, so I'll do it before my lappy's battery dies...

So yes. I get stuff done there.

But I'm so not going everyday... it's so friggin' far... just think about the cost of the MRT trip!

Oh well. I'll get back to thinking about VC, I guess...

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Talked people to death @ 9:25 PM
0 Songs

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa covers

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa cover (normal)

Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa cover (LE)

SECL-903 (lim: SECL-901, anime: SECL-904) | September 15, 2010
Single (Kuroshitsuji II Insert)

  1. Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa
  2. adore
  3. Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa ~Instrumental~
- from canta-per-me.net

OMG IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL *nosebleeds all over the lappy*

ESPECIALLY THE LIMITED EDITION ONE, the candles! THE CANDLES! Makes them look so...

I can't wait till 15 Sept! :D Ohhhh crap, that isn't counting the time it takes to be shipped... D:

At least I have the Red Moon album now! Siiggghhhh if only I could sing like them... but well... just gonna work at it...

/fangirl :D


Talked people to death @ 7:48 PM
0 Songs

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inception pretty much blew my mind! Love it. It seems that every now and then the movie industry comes up with something totally out of the box like this. Lol. The concept of having to get a "kick" to wake up intrigues me...

And I'm being random, but when Fisher (is that how you spell his name?) pointed the gun at his head, I half-expected him to summon a persona! XD If I could, I'd draw my own persona. :D

Oh well! Shall spoil nothing about Inception! Except that the ending really made me go WUARG! (to quote Kar Men) because it was open. Sigh... oh well. XD

Anyhow. Gonna start on my 3rd playthrough of P3P. Why must Orpheus Telos be so hard to unlock? Apparently you not only have to max the s.links, but you also have to summon all the strongest forms of every arcana? Good grief!


Talked people to death @ 8:28 PM
0 Songs

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Presenting... a storyline! WAIT WTF

For a moment, I thought I'd only exceeded the word limit by 8 words.

Then I looked it through and realized I'd forgotten all about the part that I skipped earlier - which would be about a few hundred more words if I copied the initial plot. OMG. HAHA. And there I was thinking I was finally done! XD

Oh well. I shall be a normal teenager now and surf the net. Will settle it tomorrow. Who said you gotta do everything in one day? Wahaha.

Oh wait, I'm procrastinating again. 3 weeks might seem like a long time to settle everything but I'm pretty convinced it's not.

But meh, I don't feel like thinking of ways to plug the loopholes at the moment. I'm seeing tons of them in the plot now.

I think I'll do CSM tomorrow for a change. Then it's back to HML again. Not that I mind. I'm just not looking forward to doing the ppt slides & presenting my plot - how the heaven do you present a storyline, anyway? O_o

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Talked people to death @ 9:25 PM
0 Songs

Saturday, August 7, 2010
World of a difference

I suppose I shouldn't have joined the school choir.

I mean, it's fun and all, but when I think about church choir & school choir... I can't help but see the difference. And I guess I enjoy church choir much, much more. The way we do things. The way we're taught the art of singing. It's just different here, 'cos everyone does things the grace way, and God is always in the center of everything. That, perhaps, is what makes it so different, and so much more enjoyable.

And I probably just joined the school choir on a whim, because we hadn't had a service in like two weeks and I kind of missed choir, I guess.

Or maybe it's because in the school choir we prepare for like months before we so much as set one foot on the platform, but in church it's just... a 1 hour rehearsal and bam! P&W time! Lol.

And mistakes don't matter. We just laugh about it and move on. Even when the choir is like one beat faster than the worship leader, it doesn't matter. We just slow down and take it in our stride.

And what really sticks with you isn't the fact that you were up there, but a sudden, heightened consciousness of His presence and love. At least, that's what it feels like for me. When I go home after serving, I just know everything will work out because He's here with me & for me. Of course it may not stick with me all the way until the next cg/service, but deep down inside I know something's changing. As much as I might grumble and complain. Haha.

And I guess I'm too used to that. I'm too used to singing for Him, and knowing that every time we do that, our lives are changed forever, for the better. But in the school choir, such an exchange doesn't happen. A satisfaction from performing, yes, but it isn't life-changing.

Well, I guess I'll see how it turns out. But somehow I really, really don't want to go for school choir anymore.

Oh well. Upcoming (possible) blogskin! If only my desktop wasn't so jealous, I'd have completed it by now. Jealousy has led to the desktop refusing to work. I guess I've been using the lappy like almost everyday recently, but hey... I still love the desktop, y'know. Without it I can't play Oblivion, or DA, or use ImageReady! XD



Talked people to death @ 9:38 PM
0 Songs

Friday, August 6, 2010
*is speechless*

Thanks to Kar Kar I now have a little idea for a blogskin, so... meh. I'll probably change it. Soon. When I stop procrastinating.

Went to watch (a bit of) CASS Idol today. Erm, I think I'll withhold my comments in case the wrong people see this, but... well, of the few we saw, only one impressed me. And that one group sang really, really well. I don't think I could've sung that like they did. It was cool, and I learned something interesting about playing with the mike distance, or whatever it's called.

Anyway. Kalafina is having their live today, in HK!

Er, dunno what time though. It might be over already, haha. But aren't concerts usually at night?

Ohhhh, how the very thought breaks my heart :( I wish I could be there now. :( This is so depressing, haha. I can only hope they show up in SG someday. I don't care if they're guest singers or whatever and they're only going to perform one song (OMG I HOPE NOT I'D RATHER THEY HAVE A WHOLE CONCERT HERE), I'll be there! >_<"

Oh well. After our lecturer went through the hero's journey again today I knew my HML plot was screwed big-time. I should really add more characters. But somehow I feel like the added characters would be extras in the story, since you gotta develop them too.

Well at least I got the general plot out of my system, even if it's complete crap and needs a total overhaul.

In the meantime, still learning parts. I can't wait, seriously. It's so fun to sing with other people and harmonize! It's no fun singing solo, imo. :) No harmony, no nothing. That's sad. I like harmonies and the completion they bring to a song. :D


Talked people to death @ 8:19 PM
0 Songs

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Of 1st drafts & P3P

I've finally finished the draft... and it looks terrible.

I've overshot the word count, plonked in random things without any buildup, completely forgot to show the gradual change in relationships between characters, missed out some of the stages and well, it's basically crap.

But hey, our lecturer says we should allow ourselves to write badly on the first draft.

I just can't see how I'm going to edit this, though... O_o Probably a copyedit again, which is way harder than it seems...

Or maybe I should get some second opinions. Hohum. We shall see.

For now I'm going to play Persona again. I want to get Orpheus Telos, damnit! Gotta max all the S.Links before moving on to the MShe!


He died! I was tearing up at the ending scene! And after I watched the cutscene in FES: The Answer, I teared up again! I liked him. He shouldn't have died, but as far as character development goes, that action was... awesome. It's like bringing everything nicely to a close. BUT I STILL WISH HE DIDN'T DIE.

Well at least a protagonist dies in a game every now and then, as part of the story. (: That makes it... real somehow, never mind that the whole I-die-so-the-world-and-y'all-can-live-on thing was still in there. 'sides, they did an interesting twist on that one.

The reason for his death made me soooo sad, lol.

I can't imagine how he must've felt when he cast the Great Seal, knowing he'd die and his soul wouldn't move on, but stay in the seal, forever protecting mankind, existing as the barrier between Erebus, man's negative emotions & desire to die, from reaching Nyx... but somehow it's kinda fitting... O_o

Even DA's ending wasn't as bittersweet as this one, and I thought DA was awesome already.

So people. Don't mope around and think you've got nothing to live for. If Nyx descends again, we're all doomed! XD

Kidding. But finding out the reason behind the protag's death was quite the shocker to me. Didn't think it'd be that.

Persona is so philosophical. Maybe that's why I like it. :3 It makes you think... about life, about the many personae we wear in the course of our life, about what reality really is, and about the meaning of time.

Okok. I'm gonna go max out all the S.Links. Hohum!

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Talked people to death @ 8:58 PM
0 Songs

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I'm not dead. I'm just finding inspiration.

I finally managed to sort out a bit of my HML plot. Yes, only a bit. The last part is still in complete disarray, but at least the story's starting to take form, albeit with the help of a few cliches here and there. I plan to take out those cliches during the editing stage, but if it needs to be there for the plot to make sense, then... *shrugs*

It's impossibly hard to write an outline, I realize. You have little to no character voice to work with. Yvaine should be telling the story, but I find myself unable to fully slip into her shoes because of the nature of the assignment. Sigh. Then and again, I suppose writing out the entire hero's journey as a full-fledged novella/short story would kill us all, given the stuff we have to do for other modules. O_o

And while several ideas (majority of which are completely illogical and virtually impossible to write) have floated around my mind for CSM, I'm nowhere near a solid plot yet. Well, a vague idea concerning a point in my decalogue, yes, but what the heaven the characters, beginning, middle & end should consist of, I have no idea at all.

At least we still have... what, two days to think about it?

And VC. I won't even begin to ramble about this. A director's life is not for me. I swear, after I graduate, I am so not going to direct films... it's a whole lot of work, and I have zero interest in finding actors and stuff. Neither am I particularly inclined to plan every scene - heck, every second of the film - in meticulous detail, from the camera angles, right down to the tiny visual communication that most viewers (excluding critics & fellow filmmaking people I guess) miss like nobody's business.

Really, I think it's tough.

But I suppose I wouldn't mind writing the script. O_o Though scripts sound kind of hard to write, too, since you're writing to pictures...

I want to do game writing. Meh. Too bad there's no course for that. I hope we'll at least touch on it a little someday, though.

Sigh. I really want to watch Inception.

Usually, the more talked about a movie is, the more I don't feel like watching it. But Inception seems to have reversed the reverse psychology. I want to watch it. It sounds damn interesting and damn inspirational. I have this feeling it'll inspire me, lol. Or at least make me go "omg", like The Island did.

And believe it or not, I've kind of hit a block with Sora. She seems to be going somewhat out of character. Perhaps because we're forcing the development. It's about time in the plot, but it seems like she's not ready... oh well, I better go back to her root characteristics and listen to her theme I guess. Characters are... complicated.

And I've just proven that I'm somewhat wrong in the head with that, hahaha. No big deal. I'm proud of her.

Back to the projects. I want to see a decent GPA at the end of the semester.

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Talked people to death @ 8:45 PM
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